Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"There's so many times that I don't know what I'm doing, like I don't know now."

Rob Thomas "Her Diamonds"

And that song is indeed, my favorite of all time right now. I absolutely LOVE Rob Thomas and his music. It's like, he takes my thoughts and puts them into his music. The only difference is he's making millions of dollars off of, not so much.

Anyways, I know I haven't blogged in a while. I tend to forget to easily :/ But better late then never! Right? ...Am I right? I think so.

It is Wednsday July 22nd. 6 days till my sisters sweet sixteen! And 33 days until mine! Woohoo. I'm actually not all that excited. My birthday's always suck. And this birthday, I have to go to school. Yup. The first day of school is on my birthday. Amazing luck I have.

I can't say too much right now, my grandma is coming to pick me up so I can hang out with her for a little bit because she gets lonely and I am an AMAZING granddaughter =) haha.

Just wanted to stop by and say hey hey hey!
Follow me on twitter if you haven't already -->
Thank you, my loves.
Amber Skye

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